Saturday, May 26, 2007

Joe Vitale and "The Secret" To His Success

I’m sure that most of you reading this have already had the pleasure of watching The Secret, and hopefully you’re fully implementing the Law of Attraction into your lives.

All of the people featured in this amazing film are extremely successful in every aspect of their lives, but one person in particular really grabbed my attention and that was Dr Joe Vitale. I was so intrigued by him that I decided to learn everything I could about him and follow his lead.

As you may remember from the movie, he related how he was homeless at one stage in his life and in fact he had no idea where his next meal was coming from or where he was going to lay his head. Now, twenty or so years on and he is one of the most successful people on the planet.

Here are some of his amazing accomplishments:

-Doctors Degree in Metaphysical Science
-Certified Hynotherapist
-Has numerous #1 Best Selling Books & EBooks
-He is a Chun Kung Healer
-Has developed Hypnotic Writing & Marketing Techniques
-Created the Executive Mentoring Program for Internet Marketers
-Developed a large range of Video & Audio Products to help others to succeed

The list is endless……..

He is now my mentor and as they say “watch and learn from other successful people and you cannot fail if you follow their proven methods of success”.

His hypnotic marketing techniques absolutely blew me away.

Whatever you have heard or believe, whether it be positive or negative about attracting abundance, wealth and success into your life, you will not know the truth until you LIVE it for yourself. What I mean is, you need to take ACTION, don't just sit there and think about everything you desire but get off your butt and DO something to start attracting it in to your life and you will be truly amazed at what you can achieve and experience.

Do you think it is by accident that Dr Joe Vitale went from being homeless to now having extreme joy, happiness and success in his life?

It was not by accident, there are no accidents or good luck or coincidences in life, there are only The Laws of the Universe that have been in existence since the beginning of creation. There are many more "Secrets" other than The Law of Attraction and we are now being reminded of them.

Joe is one of the wise ones, so if you truly want your life to change; listen, learn and implement what he and many others are sharing with the world right now.

I highly recommend one of Joe's Best Sellers The Attractor Factor

To your success
